Sunday, March 30, 2008

Les Desserts - my new favorite book

yes, it is my new favorite. i will try the very 1st recipe next week since i'm in no shape to bake this week. i got one recipe translated today (it's in japanese) - it's the macaron recipe, of course! i will post the new recipe and the result next weekend.

on with the book, why do i like this book even though i can't read it without the help of a translator? first reason is the photos. everything is beautifully photographed but not intimidating fancy artsy photographs. the photographs are simple and very inspiring, make you want to bake and create things... second reason is the step by step instructions with illustrated photos. even when i don't understand the language, i could still tell what i suppose to do according to the step by step instructional photos. third reason is the range of covered subjects. chapter one starts out with the simplest dessert - Blanc Manger. next chapter is all about Custard. then on to Mousse and the next logical step is the Bavaroise... Fruit Compote, Ice cream, Sorbet, Souffle, Tarts, Chocolate, Crepe, Petit Four, Macaron, Cake... every chapter starts with the basic recipe and build up to a more complex ones, it just makes perfect sense to me.

i will have to have many many many... translation sessions with my friends and many experiments to follow... that'll be exciting. haven't tried any recipe from this book, i still reccommend it because the book makes sense to me. i got this book because i know i'm going to ask everyone i know who can translate to decipher this book for me one recipe at a time. even if i can't find anyone, i'd still get the book for all the reasons above, the book is simply very inspiring to me.

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