Wednesday, November 19, 2008


last week baking was tiramisu. we ate it so fast i didn't take any picture :(
i used the chiffon cake recipe for the cake part - no lady finger here! 9" diameter chiffon cake, slice into discs about 3/4" thick.

for the soaking liquid, i used:

4 table spoons instant espresso powder (or more if prefer stronger)
200 gr kahlua (or more if prefer)
400 gr water.

dissolve espresso in boiling water, let it cool down to luke warm, add kahlua, mix well. divide liquid into 2 equal portions.

for the filling, i used:

500gr mascarpone
400gr heavy cream
100gr powder sugar

whip heavy cream, set aside. mix mascarpone and powder sugar ( i used mixer for this), fold in whipped cream.

putting together the tiramisu:

i used 9" round spring form.

line bottom of pan with 9" round cake board (if prefer)
put 1st layer of cake in pan, sprinkle with 1 portion of soaking liquid evenly, add 1/2 of the cream and spread evenly, dust with unsweetened cocoa powder.

put 2nd layer of cake and repeat the same process - soaking liquid, cream, cocoa powder, and voila.

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