Sunday, January 20, 2008

Macaron disaster Sunday

I tried a new recipe for the macarons and was disappointed again! this recipe uses 225gr powder sugar, 125gr almond flour, 100gr egg white aged 24 hrs or more, 25 gr sugar. It seems like alot of powder sugar in this recipe and the batter was too thick, I mixed it a bit more to make the batter a hair thinner so it is pipable. The macarons came out too chewy and deflated (look at the sad picture!). Thanks to Duncan at Syrup and Tang for his detail explanation of his own macaron adventure. I made caramel fleur de sel for macaron filling last night too, just a hair on the salty side but still pretty good. I did not weight the fleur de sel because i don't have a digital scale to weight small amount. Lesson learn, I will use less fleur de sel next time. Well, I can save the caramel filling for next week. I will try the italian meringue method next using Duncan's recipe at Syrup and Tang, stay tuned!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ooops! they look like a mochi at first--keep going! never give up! I really liked the one you made last time with lavender flavor.