Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Kayaking at Point Reyes

after dimsum at Canton, we headed to Point Reyes for sunset kayaking. i had my camera but didn't take it with me on the Kayak because there's always a chance of the kayak flipping! so one pic was taken on shore before we headed down to the kayaks.

we left shore around 6pm. the water was shallow most of the way, about 2-3 feet. the water is crystal clear and we could see the bottom of the bay - covered in eel grass. a couple of leopard sharks bumped into my kayak on the way which was kind of fun but can be scary if you don't know what it is... a bit further out to deeper water, there were tons of jelly fishes floating along. egrets and other wild birds tried to get their dinner before returning to their nests. we got to the other side of the bay when it was complete dark. cookies and pastries from a fancy french bakery in the northbay were served. then we headed back after a short break. this is the best time to see the bio lumenescence, it was like buckets of diamonds in the dark water everytime the paddles hit the water. we stopped for 5 minutes at Hog Island to listen to the night birds sounds - i felt like i was in a jungle, the sound can be scarry if you don't know what it is... and in the distance, coyotes were howling...
Back on shore around 10pm and we made it back to the city before mid night. that was fun! and the weather was perfect not too warm nor cold and the sky was clear, we could see the milky way... will do it again!

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