Monday, February 4, 2008

Bulgoki at New Korea House

i went to Japan town for grocery on sunday but before i did my shopping, i stopped by the New Korea House for some bulgoki. it's been raining on and off on sunday so there wasn't many people in the restaurant. i ordered the pork bulgoki for lunch. on saturday and sunday, the restaurant does not offer the lunch menu so all dishes are at dinner price which is twice as much. although you get your money worth with the dinner menu because on the lunch menu, the pork bulgoki they serve is a different cut of meat, much more chewy and has more fat and tendon... the dinner cut of meat is much leaner and very tender. the meal came with toasted barley tea, a cup of daikon soup and potato pancake (or at least i thought it tasted like potato).
and then there's all kind of typical Korean condiments - kimchi, of course, pickled cucumber and daikon, sweetened black bean, fried tofu, fried and glazed potato... the condiments and bbq here taste more on the delicate side, not overdone with the garlic. i'm not an expert on Korean food so i'm not sure if less garlic taste is better??? but i know i definitely prefer delicate taste...
Lunch was yummy as always, now i must get on with my grocery shopping.
New Korea House
1620 Post street.
San Francisco, CA 94115

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