Sunday, February 10, 2008

still deciphering the macarons

i found some black currant jam yesterday at wholefood and decided to fill the macarons with black currant jam.
i used the same regular meringue recipe as last week and the result was kind of mixed. the first tray was good but the remaining trays got a bit deflated outside the oven. they all have good tops and beautiful feet in the oven - as in picture. when i took the tray out of the oven some of the tops got deflated and almost wrinkled but not quite yet. i wonder why??? last week, the last tray also got deflated a bit but not as bad as this week.
the jam, even though sugar free (it was made with grape juice and fruit pectin) is still too sweet when added to the macarons. i think i'll fill with macarons with buttercream base from now on. And the black currant extract was too artificial, the macarons smelled like jolly rancher!
i'll revisit and experiment with the recipe some more. But next week, i am going to take a break from the macarons and bake something new.


Anonymous said...

Black Current with Butter Cream sounds fresh and simply divine!

I have tried your caramel and sea salt and the lavender

Each one of these is so different -- like having a macaroon to match every mood!

Can't wait to see what you are going to try next!

thinh said...

thanks Laura! i'll keep on baking. you always make me laught with your comments.

Anonymous said...

ok, now I have tried a sample and just like my 3-year old nephew says about his Oreo cookies, "uhmmmm uhmmmmm.....sweet like candy!"

These were very sweet creations...the color was amazing -- dark and deep purple.

I have to admit these were not my absolute favorites but as always, quite a treat!

Thanks! Laura