Thursday, February 28, 2008

Revisiting the macarons

i am having lunch with friends at my old work place and i promised to bring them some macarons. since the caramel fleur the sel got the most votes, i made them again. i used chubby hubby's recipe this time, it's almost the same as the recipe that i always use. still 225 gr powder sugar, 125 gr almond, 110 gr aged egg white (i/o 100gr), 30 gr sugar (i/o 25 gr). i skipped the salt and cream of tartar. also, this time i mixed less, there was still some specs of meringue in the batter. the feet were good, not as explosive as last time. i'll add back the salt and cream of tartar next time, i think the feet are more explosive with those 2 tiny ingredients. the shells were good this time, no wrinkle or collapse shells. i am happy with the result, yes!

the caramel fleur de sel turned out different this time, i think i got it right this time. last time it was like butter texture (spreadable). this time it's like a thick syrup, not quite as thin as caramel sauce but not as thick as butter. anyway, i'm not sure what the texture supposed to be like but i prefer the caramel this time over the last one. i'll come back to experiment with the macarons again soon.

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